Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I read the story of a roadside beggar who found an old coat by the roadside. This man was in need of money to live a normal life like every other person. He put on this coat for a long time while begging money to feed himself everyday. One day the police discover the dead body of this man where he slept over the night before. When they remove the coat, he was putting on they found thousands of dollars stack in the lining of the coat this man was wearing. Medical examination on this man shows that he died of hunger. What a world!

This man died of hunger while there was enough money stacked in the coat he was putting on. He died only because he did not know that what he was looking for was right inside his coat. If he had known he would have torn up the coat, take the money and use it to meet his personal need.

So many people are like this man dying of ignorance daily. They did not realize that what they are going to “Sokoto” to look for is right inside their “Sokoto”. “Sokoto” is a state in the northern part of Nigeria while the other “Sokoto” in Yoruba language means trousers. What they are traveling to find in Sokoto is inside their trousers. They just had to reach their hands in that trouser and take what they want out of it. I have told you at the beginning of the previous chapter that what you need to succeed in life is right inside of you.

There are enough treasures inside of you. God had deposited them there for your own good, and the good of other people around you. You only need to discover what your own peculiar treasures are from within and develop it. Once you have discover that thing and develop it into strengths your next move will now be to use that thing to achieve your life’s goals. Let me ask you of what use is a gift that is not utilize? There are so many people today whose talents are hanging on the shelves because they did not put them to use. They are waiting for opportunity to come across their path. Unfortunately or fortunately for them, opportunity is crossing their path everyday they just did not see it. They are complaining of what they lack in terms of job and money while they refuse to make use of the talents that the Creator has blessed them with.

That talent that God gave you is not for decoration. Its worth is more than the price of gold or diamond. That talent is what will define you and determine the value people place on your life. It is meant to bless your generation. Somebody somewhere needs what you have gotten. This is not the time for you to go and sleep hoping that a miracle will happen overnight. Make a demand on the talent that God has blessed you with. Find a means and a place to express that talent so that it becomes profitable for you.

Your talent will become meaningful to many people only when put to use. When you use your talent people who needs what your life contained will locate you. They will create for you that opportunity you have spent so many years of your life searching for.

When you begin to use your talent the people that needs what you have will not mind investing in your life their money and even their time. They lack something that your life contained and you have something they wanted. They have seen you perform in the area of your giftedness and wants what you have gotten. If you name your price, they will not mind paying you what you think you are worth.

How was David located when King Saul needed a musician that will always play for him whenever his problems started? Some people have seen David. They knew his capability. They knew that David was talented in playing the harp and they have seen him used that talent to bless many people. Who is your talent blessing and how many are they? When the king needed a recommendation, it was not difficult for them to recommend David. “. . .Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, that is cunning in playing, and a mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person, and the LORD is with him.”(1 Sam 16:18)

The moment the king heard this he sent for David immediately.
“And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found favor in my sight.”(1 Sam 16:22)

The Bible says that a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. David’s talent is what is making way for him here. That talent brought him before king.

Eventually, David became the king’s armor bearer and he found favor in the sight of the king. You too can find the favor of kings when you begin to apply your talent. Your gift of talent will also make a way for you when you begin to use what God has given to you.

Your worth in cash will be determined by how much of your inner treasures are giving out to bless your generation. What do you think that you are what, a million or billion dollars? Name the price and you will be amazed that somebody is willing to pay that price to you. What is the worth of God’s investment in your life? Can you quantify it in commercial value? It is much than you can think or envisage. You only need to dig out what is within and draw on it to bless your generation.

I have read history of some great men and women and found out they only tapped into what God had deposited in them to become what they are in life. Some of them have great education, some of them did not but the most important thing is that they all succeeded in becoming who they wanted to become in life.

What do you want to become in this life? Whatever you want to become, understand that you have been given talent to match up with the goals that you have set for yourself in this life. Do not ever forget that. You can also become successful in life making use of the talent that God has given to you.

1 comment:

  1. Do you see what a man can do to himself with used talent? Do you know people who are like the beggar in our story today? Let me have your opinion on this. Can a man truly die in the midst of plenty? Are you using your own talent or not? Tell what you thing as you log on to this site. God bless you.
