The computer that I am using to type the manuscript of this book was designed by human being to function like the mind. It has the capability to receive, retain, analyze, and release information fed into it. The mind of man is a world of its own. It has great capacity to receive, analyze, and release any information you fed into it. Anything that you want to become in life begins with the mind. Your mind is one of the most beautiful gifts that God has given to you as his child. What you conceive in your mind and believe in your heart you are able to produce in physical realities.
Your mind is where most of your daily dreams and ideas are conceived. Your happiness, peace of mind, joy, successes, fears, failures, disappointment, etc. are all conceived in the mind.
What you think daily and stored in your mind is important because that is what you will always bring forth at any point in time. In fact, it is what you will become.
A man is a product of his thought. Thoughts are images that you formed in your mind about something or someone. If that image is positive and good, you will produce it in your life. If they are bad, you will bring it forth into physical reality of your life.
Always endeavor to think good, positive thought about your life irrespective of any circumstances you may find yourself in daily. You are what you think you are. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”
Even the money problem that many people are having today is a product of the mind. Money is only a means of exchange. Wealth creation begins right from the mind of a man. What you can see in your mind you can produce with your hands. Ideas for success and financial breakthrough will emerge from a mind that is productive with the right information about finances in his imagination. How much money do you want? Can you see it in your mind eyes?
So many people want money but they have not created anything to exchange for it. Money will always come to the man that knows how to use his mind productively well and creatively too. Your talent, when discovered, will give you the opportunity you want to enables you creates your own wealth.
Your mind is the factory house where your dreams, ideas, and visions are manufactured. It is the place where money is produce. If you want more money to meet your needs and fulfill your dreams, then sit down, think and come up with a product or services that people can pay for with their money. There are so many of them out there. I am not going to start listing them for you here. Just sit down somewhere in a quite place and THINK.
Opportunity abounds everywhere for those who can see it and there are so many problems beckoning for answer from you. Are you are willing to pay the price to solve problems for people? This is where the services or products you can create will come from. The more of that products or services that you create and sell the more money you will have. That is the reason why the information you feed your mind with is very important.
If you are looking for a treasure house, you don’t need to go too far to find it. Your treasure house is right inside of you. It is your mind. So many people are yet to discover this. They are busy traveling all over the world looking for what is not lost. If only these people would allow God to open their heart to see the huge treasures that are deposited in their mind, they will sit down and do all they can to bring it forth.
The story is told of a father who was about to die and he called his sons together to tell them about his stump undeveloped farmland that he had not been able to explore because of his ill health. This farmland is a treasure land full of gold that have not yet been explored for discovery. The sons of this man have always thought that their father had some gold hidden somewhere in the house.
However, when the father was about to die he told his son “The stump is lot”, he told them this repeatedly. When the final burial was over the children began to search for gold on that land. They started digging but they found no gold and they become discouraged. One of them suggested that they should plant corn on that farmland. In the autumn, they found in the ripened corn the gold at the root of the corn.
Listen to me; you have a treasure land in you. Explore that land. There is goldmine therein waiting for your discovery. There is an abundant of potential treasures and God’s given resources in your life. Dig dip. You will find solution to your lingering problems right inside your mind.
Your mind is the mind of Christ. “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him. But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor 2:16) Christ mind is full of wisdom, knowledge and power to create things and make them happens. The bible says that you have this mind in you, which is the mind of Christ. Your God is a creator. You are made to be like him. This is the reason you were created in his image after his likeness.
Today is the age of information. People everywhere are talking about information technology. The other day I went to a cyber cafe with a friend of mine to do overnight browsing. We were trying to source for materials for one project we are pursuing. When I got tired, my friend took over and I sat beside him.
Suddenly, I notice a young man sitting beside me. He was also browsing, so I took interest in what he was doing. I noticed that all that this person was just doing was to chat with a woman he was feeding with so many lies about himself, and that is all that he did throughout the night. Wasted time and money doing nothing that can improve his life.
Young people hear me today there are so many information on the Internet that can help you positively and there are those information that can destroy you. If I were you, I will go for the kind of information that can help improve my life and not the destructive type
e. A man of God used to say, “If you are not informed you will be deformed”. Therefore, be informed. Educate your mind to think positively. If you do you are on your way to achieving success in life. My Bishop, Dr. Mike Okonkwo used to say whenever he preached along this line “Feed you faith and starved your doubt.”
Yes, feed your faith with the positive word of God stored in your mind daily. This is because your mind has the capacity to analyze and reproduce the information you fed into it. The key to your success or failure in life begins here. The Bible says that you should guide your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. One thing that I also want you to know is that your thought is a product of the mind, and you are a product of your thoughts. What you think about says so much about the kind of person you are.
Therefore, what you daily think about is important to your success in life. It was admiral Earnest J. King who directed the United State Navy during the war that said “Whether in war or peace, the chief differences between good thinking and bad thinking is this: good thinking deals with causes and effects and lead to logical constructive planning; bad thinking frequently leads to tensions and nervous breakdowns”.
If you want to succeed in life and avoid nervous breakdown that has sent many people to their early grave, then you must feed your mind with thought of success. You must become success conscious in all that you are doing. You must withdraw your mind from your old conventional thinking pattern that has not in any way helped you thus far. You must get rid of idle thoughts, negative thoughts, and thoughts of sickness, fear, and doubt. You must also deliver yourself from the bondage of unwholesome, immoral and amoral thinking pattern that only produces failures instead of success. You must constantly renew your mind with the word of God.
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