Why do you need to discover your talent? If you do not discover your talent you could waste a good number of your times and money trying to succeed with thing that are not in accord with your natural abilities and talents. So many people are doing this every day. In the previous chapter, I have shown you why God gave you that talent that is showing on the surface of your life. The purpose is to bless and prosper you but when you fail to discover them you could also squander a great deal of your life struggling to overcome weaknesses connected to areas where you simply are not gifted to operate.
I do agree with you that sometimes it is difficult to know the talents that God has given to us but we do easily recognize what we do not have than what we have been given. It so sad also that we complained more about what we lack in comparison to what we have. When we see other people excel with their talent, we sometimes envy them but we fail to do something about our own. This is the reason why the Bible says that we should not neglect the gift of God, which is in us.
Like I said before the gift is not outside of us. The treasure is not on the surface of our life. It is within us according to the word of God. The treasure is in an earthen vessel. Therefore, if you are going to discover your talent you need to do more than looking at your physical being. You need to do an inward search and research. God, most times allow a little bit of this to manifest on the surface of your life. That little manifestation is a pointer to the bigger treasures within you.
Have you ever wonder why most of the expensive treasures of the earth are not on the surface of the earth? Why is it that we don’t just pick gold or diamond on the surface of the earth? The Creator Himself conceals most of the solid minerals around the world in the earth. Why? Why do we have to dig into the depth of the earth to mine crude oil and natural gas that we consume on daily basis?
There is so much fight over crude oil today in our nation. Yet, Nigeria is blessed with many rich mineral and natural resources of the earth that we do not take cognizance of. We focus more on the already discovered treasure to the neglect of other earth potential that the Creator has endowed us with. We need to wake up from our sleep in this country. What of the copper, iron, ore, brass, sodium and tin, etc. that we have been endowed with in the different states of the federation and in our country as a whole?
Listen to me now. Our country, Nigeria is rich and you have a portion in the wealth of this nation. We are not poor at all. Yet, we still see so many poor people on the street of our land everyday, poor not because of the economy of our land but because they have not developed ideas for success in their lives. Why is it that our children are coming out of the university every year and there is no job for them to do? These young ones are bundle of potentials and talents that are wasting away. Their talents could be put to better use if we create an enabling environment for them and crimes would be drastically reduced. They are the potential wealth of this country, the future of our land. We need to do all we can to assist them. Thank God, for those people who are coming up with “Talent Hunt Show” to help young people discover and develop their talents. May God bless them in Jesus name. We need more people to be involved in this. The church, corporate organizations, and individuals that God has blessed can be involved in this and the world would be a better place for all to dwell in.
However, this is not to say that the government should be held responsible or blamed for your irresponsibility. We are all accountable to God individually for the way that we have use the talent that He has given to us. Nobody will take responsibility for your own irresponsibility.
Winston Churchill once wrote: “The price of greatness is responsibility”. You are responsible to discover and develop the talent that God has given to you. You will be accountable to God for the way you invested that talent that God has endowed you with. Somebody has said that “The greatest tragedy is to become less than your full potential, using less than the abilities you have to work with.” In the church where you attend to serve God and in the society, how do you invest the gift of talent that God has given to you? Do you serve God and people with that talent or you are using it for selfish purpose. Do you use your talent to bless other people or you are keeping it for yourself?
Whatever talents you have been given, understand that it is for service to humanity and every success that will last in your life must originate first with service to other people. When you are successful in your service delivery to humanity, then money will attend your ways swiftly.
However, some people want it the other way round. They want money first without giving any service to other people. May I say to you here that things don’t work that way. If we really want money to meet all our needs, we must then learn to give service. There is no two ways about it.
Successful people who have been rich with money are people who have been known for their great service delivery to humanity. They have discovered their talent and are using it in the service of other people. This is one of the reasons you must discover your talent and release it so that other people are blessed by it.
How do you release this gift in the church and the society where you live? Make yourself available for service in the house of the Lord. Discover areas where you are best fitted to serve in the society and invest your talent for the blessing of other people as well as yourself. Even in your place of work, your availability for service is what will determine your promotion and success. Make your talent available on discovery. This reminds me of some people that their Master gave talents to while he was traveling on long distance.
The Bible here says that he gave talents to these people according to their several abilities. The one that has received five went and trade with his own and gain five more talents, the one that has received two went and also traded with his own and again two more talents, while the one that has been given one went and hide his talent. He did nothing with his talent and he is not even wise enough to invest that talent for his master. He was only complaining about his master source of wealth. He forgot that the master gave him that talent for his own benefit. His failure to use that talent closes the doors to other opportunities in his life. He never prospers. So many people will remain poor not because God made them poor but because they fail to discover and use what they have been given by God.
In addition, the bible says that talent was taken away from him and given to the people who are making wise use of their own talents. The ones who applied their talents well were given more and are made leaders over many people. They had more opportunities than the one who fails to use his talent. They also became richer in their possession of wealth because they invested their talent wisely. This is what you
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